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The lifeblood of Winning Solutions, Inc. (WSI) - Winsol is our way of managing billable time, projects, sub-projects, tasks, customer information, etc. It is also equipped with an in/out board, a pager gateway, vacation/PTO requests and much, much more.

Click Here to visit winsol and explore the site in more detail.

Common Questions

We like how Winsol works and want to purchase it - how does this work?

Winsol is available to be purchased as a stand alone product or as an ASP hosted module. Contact us to find out what path best suites you. Contact us today for a free estimate to purchase your custom CRM solution.

If you would like to know more about what Winsol can do for you, please feel free to contact us.

About Us

WSI is a small business and a leading provider of custom programming and database solutions for government entities, Fortune 1000 companies, and emerging businesses. We are your custom development experts.