SQL Server/Azure

Structured Query Language

Visual Basic Programming

SQL Server/Azure

Structured Query Language

This acronym stands for Structured Query Language and refers to any database system that employs this querying language for getting information out of, changing information in or managing a database of information. WSI does extensive work with Microsoft SQL Server. We also work with other SQL databases such as MySQL, but our primary expertise is with Microsoft SQL Server.

WSI has built simple and complex databases and software programs on top of the Microsoft SQL Server system since version 6.5 back in 2000. As Microsoft SQL Server has grown and evolved over the years Winning Solutions, Inc. has stayed with it every step of the way. While the system was very capable back in 2000 the current capabilities are many times more advanced. This means that not only can we create simple databases but we can also create large complex databases using the same Microsoft SQL Server platform.

Microsoft SQL Server is a great platform because many small and medium size projects can be operated on the free version referred to as Microsoft SQL Server Express. We can all thank MySQL and Postgre SQL which are free open source SQL databases for forcing Microsoft to make a powerful yet free version available. Microsoft even offers a smaller database platform called Access that people can use to start their database on their own. WSI also specializes in upsizing or migrating databases that have become too large, complex or now need to work with the web from Access to Microsoft SQL server.

The beauty of Microsoft SQL Server is that you can start your business database on your own using Microsoft Access and grow your business to the size of Dell, Esurance, Clearchannel, Siemens and many others and still be working with the same platform you started with. WSI can be there with you every step of the way.

If you are currently struggling with high Oracle licensing costs, Microsoft SQL Server may be the answer. WSI's Microsoft Licensing people can assist you with selecting the best Microsoft Licensing program for your business. In almost all cases Microsoft licenses will cost a fraction of what you are paying Oracle and in most cases you don't have to sacrifice any meaningful functionality and may even gain some!

Click Here to get a free quote for your SQL Server/Azure needs. Visit our SQL Server/Azure page for more details on SQL Server/Azure.

Common SQL Server Questions

What is Microsoft SQL Server Development?

It is a process of creating tables that store the actual data, relationships between the tables, building queries and other tasks necessary to produce and maintain a functional database. It may also involve the development of reports that present information in the database to people in a useful and meaningful manner. Another part of the SQL Server Development process if the creation of Stored Procedures. Stored Procedures are subroutines that access data in a relational database. We mainly use Stored Procedures to consolidate the execution of several SQL statements so that a software program can call the single Stored Procedure instead of having to call multiple SQL statements.

Contact us today for a free estimate to your SQL project.

What is the best way to generate reports from a SQL Server database?

Current versions of Microsoft SQL Server have a built in system call SQL Reporting Services that automates and eases the process of creating simple and complex reports. In the past it may have been necessary to use a third party tool to prepare reports with this level of complexity and sophistication. No longer, with SQL Server Reporting Services WSI can build almost any report you will need from your Microsoft SQL Server database. WSI can also create or help you create reports using Microsoft Access, which can greatly simplify the report creation process. This will lower your cost per report and get reports out much faster.

Contact us today for a free estimate to start making informed decisions.

As many of our applications that we develop in use SQL Server/Azure, be sure and visit the following sections for details on some of our Product Work:

About Us

WSI is a small business and a leading provider of custom programming and database solutions for government entities, Fortune 1000 companies, and emerging businesses. We are your custom development experts.