CD Duplication

Copy, Copy, Copy

Where do you go when you need 1000 copies of a CD-ROM or DVD? WSI offers CD duplication and DVD duplication services to all clients. Whether you're running a batch of 20 CDs containing family photos or your needs run in the thousands, WSI can help you with your CD and DVD duplication needs.

Common CD Duplication Questions

What is CD Duplication?

The process of duplicating a CD is relatively simple but can be very time-consuming depending on the amount of CDs to be duplicated. WSI partners with CD duplication factories to provide professional CD duplication at factory pricing.

Is CD Duplication Legal?

CD duplication is legal if you own all the intellectual property rights on the CD to be duplicated. You may also obtain the written permission of an intellectual property rights holder allowing you to include their content on your duplicated CD.

What is needed to duplicate a CD?

A typical CD duplication order will include a master CD and an artwork CD. The master CD contains the information or data that will be duplicated on each CD. It is important that the master reflects the final CD form. Careful testing of your master CD will insure that each of your duplicated CDs delivers what you intend. An artwork CD contains the artwork that will be printed on the top of your CDs. Typical artwork will be created in a desktop publishing program such as Adobe Illustrator.

About Us

WSI is a small business and a leading provider of custom programming and database solutions for government entities, Fortune 1000 companies, and emerging businesses. We are your custom development experts.